
Infrared (Thermography) Surveys

Article By: cpswitchgear.com

A service provided by Carolina Precision Switchgear is thermal imaging. CPS can identify problem areas in your electrical distribution system by performing an infrared survey. The thermography cost is minimal compared to expensive damage that your equipment may incur, not to mention equipment down time. The equipment we use is a Fluke IR imaging camera which conducts detailed temperature readings. Thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. The Fluke infrared camera can pinpoint the exact area where corrective maintenance on your equipment is needed.

Infrared scanning can be performed with no disruption to your normal production schedule. The preferred method and most effective is with your facility under full load. In the building construction industry, technicians can see thermal differences that indicate heat leaks in defective thermal insulation and can use the results to increase the efficiency of heating and air-conditioning units.

The following is a small list of where thermographic imaging is beneficial.

Electrical Switchgear
Circuit Breakers
Building Envelopes
Building Insulation
Control Panels
Electrical Panels

For more information, please visit www.cpswitchgear.com or call Carolina Precision Switchgear at 704-596-4242.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta, Ga

Article By: cpswitchgear.com

Carolina Precision Switchgear, traveled to Atlanta, GA. to perform phase one of the annual breaker maintenance and relay testing at the Centers for Disease Control.

The annual testing for the CDC consisted of electrical switchgear maintenance of twenty seven Eaton Cutler Hammer Magnum DS 600v circuit breakers, with Digitrip 1150 type over current relays. Testing of the circuit breakers encompassed the following but was not limited too:

Electrically and Manually operating breakers
Inspection of the operating mechanism
Removing and inspecting arc chutes
Inspecting stationary and moving arcing and main contacts
Inspecting primary clusters
Cleaning all accessible areas
Performing over current relay testing

The relay testing on switchgear (circuit breakers) was performed with our high current test set. The CB-7745R relay test set allows for primary injection on the breakers, thus testing not only the relay function, but also the current transformers (ct's) on the breaker. Primary injection testing provides a more comprehensive test of the breaker over secondary injection testing.

Overall, the Magnum DS low voltage power circuit breakers were in good condition. No refurbishments were needed

Carolina Precision Switchgear will be returning to the Centers for Disease Control on June 13th to initiate phase two of three. The maintenane of phase two will be for sixty nine Magnum DS, 600v circuit breakers with Digitrip 1150 relays installed.

For more information, please visit www.cpswitchgear.com or call Carolina Precision Switchgear at 704-596-4242.